My name is Ulysse (born Benjamin) and I am a game developer, writer, and video maker. This will be my personal home page until another Ben Pence makes a compelling offer.
You should read my content if you're interested in game development/computer graphics, understanding modern culture, productivity, rationality, software, or Mandarin. Are you interested in going on an adventure? Let's collaborate!
You can hear more from me through YouTube, Twitter, or email: ulysse at I really do love answering questions and hearing from people about what excites them.
Recommended Works
- Psychedelic Graphics: Creating visually stimulating effects with computer graphics.
- The Making of Dark Beach: How and why I made Dark Beach.
- Alien: Isolation — Game Design Look: A look at the game design in Alien: Isolation.
- The Path to Greatness: How to be great and be you.
- Pay Attention to Attention: How others use and abuse our attention and what to do about it.
- Some Matter More Than Others: The effects of money on how we view people and experiences.
- Life as Science: Systematic exploration of who you are and how to grow.
Recommended Podcast Episodes
- Spaced Repetition Software (SRS): Using software to memorize just about anything.
- Forecasting: Making better predictions for the future.
- Financial Independence: What are stocks and bonds? How do I save for retirement?