Tap on project images/GIFs to learn more about them. Games can be played, videos seen, music listened to.
An online multiplayer game where the first player to notice a specific kind of change in the visualization wins. Co-designed with Shmoji, music and development by Ulysse. An article series with interactive examples that teaches the fundamentals of how certain graphics work by creating moving, colorful graphics with texture images in the browser. An interactive video essay (see Video Essays below) featuring an infinite, colorful warped space created using ray marching. It can be experienced interactively on or watched on YouTube. There',s also a making-of video for curious computer graphics artists and game developers. A shared multiplayer 3D space based on a place that I arrived to during therapy (playthrough, making of). Live visitors and recordings of previous visitors alike will show up to say hello. Uses web sockets to communicate with other clients via a central server. A game about taking care of the Grim Reaper's daughter (playthrough). Inspired by the physical American children',s toy “Bop It”, there are five different stations that need your constant attention. Made in 10 days for Untitled Game Jam #89 in collaboration with music composers Milan Milenkovich and excelsus9. A video series that analyzes how game design in many titles creates specific experiences for the player. I decided that the best way to get better at game design was to look at how game designers I admired stirred the emotions in myself. An interactive video essay (see Video Essays below) that features psychedelic visuals in an interactive, 3D VR environment (playthrough). You can move around the space environment as well as adjust the Field of View while you listen to the essay commentary. An interactive video essay (see Video Essays below) that features psychedelic visuals in an interactive, 3D environment (playthrough). A video essay series that combines psychedelic graphics and music, set in beautiful spaces. All the content was shot and created by me. The videos were created using Blender, while the interactive ones were created using Godot or Unity. A game of chance about changing a crushing beauracracy from within. Made in collaboration with Ilya Fedotov. A platformer game about transporting different kinds of boxes (playthrough). The titular “Glube” must ensure each of the boxes (a frozen box, a fragile box, a box that needs air) makes it to the destination. Made in 10 days for Glube Jam. A first-person VR game about sending love beams to lost souls and dancing one's ass off (playthrough). Made in bits and pieces over the summer for Give Your Gift. A physics-based top-down shooter game about cleaning cats out of your bunker (playthrough). Made in two weeks for Funni Jam #2. A 3D maze exploration game where players must choose strategies to help their child self work through difficult situations. #1 for originality in Dungeon Crawler Jam 2022. A typing game where you play as a security guard trying to stop all the people who want to jump down the huge atrium in a Shanghai skyscraper. I did not finish this game, but prototyped one of the mechanics to get a sense of what the game would be like. I wanted to learn Unity's Shader Graph, a visual interface to change how objects look in 3D. To that end, I posted many of the shaders that I made to my Twitter. My final project for the class Design Futures 101 I took at Parsons School of Design at The New School in New York City.The project is an unofficial guide for students virtually attending UC Berkeley in the future.In the future, parents can save a lot of money sending their children to universities virtually.But they want to protect their children from the lewd and filthy ideas of The West, so they've installed censorship modules on the virtual reality hardware. Modern society has no manuals and forces each of us to struggle alone against all of life's woes. This house is an establishment of temporary respite and personal growth to help people recover and find their new trajectory. Stay an afternoon... Stay a year... A fake product that will randomly lock customers out of their refrigerator to help them lose weight. It satirizes those affluent people who exploit and objectify the suffering of others, in this case food insecurity. I replicated some of the game mechanics in Crimsonland in order to learn how to use the Unity game engine. Anton Panasenko and I built a service to automatically tune all the parameters for all the analytics jobs running at Twitter. 3D LEGO sandbox for constructing all the things you never had enough bricks to build. Web recreation of the chess-like board game Onitama. Web recreation of the early levels of the popular puzzle game Baba Is You. Phone Adventures
Choose-your-own-adventure game over the phone. Call (US) 505 933 8393to try it out.Satirical “clickbait” headline generator. Web recreation of the popular Codenames board game. Players start a shared game on separate computers and assign roles as needed. Effective Altruism Angel Group
Co-founder Brendon Wong and I worked to improve the early-stage project grant-making space by supporting individual “angel” funders', interactions with project leads. We regularly engaged with members of the Effective Altruism community for feedback, which we use when sourcing projects. Our grant workflow was almost completely automated through Google Drive.
Empty City
Electric piano with reverb.Scratch
A remix of The Beatles' Strawberry Fields Forever.Middle Island
Electric guitar with vocals.Grey
Electric piano with delay and reverse filter. Whispered vocals through an electric guitar amp.You Are My Sunshine
Remake and expansion upon The Beach Boys' “You Are My Sunshine” (originally by Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell). Electric piano, pitch-shifted vocals.And If I Woke Up
Electric guitar with vocals.Forlorn Destiny
Electric piano and french horn with heavy delay and reverb on top of light synthesizer.Higher Traveller
Acoustic guitar and vocals with flange filter, electric piano.An animation that lightly touches on how technology can bring people to extreme highs and lows in their experience. Two guys living together: Pop and Melons. While the writing in this animation missed its mark a bit because of content removed due to time constraints, I put a lot of time into animating this piece and didn't want to leave it out. An arrangement of clips from the movie What About Bob to give off the impression that it is a horror movie. An arrangement of clips from the movie Just Like Heaven to give off the impression that it is a horror movie. The 8 ways to say no! was an educational resource from the D.A.R.E program designed to help American youth combat the peer pressure surrounding drug usage. This video is a satirical walkthrough of how to use the “eight ways to say no” to stay clean. The faculty encouraged me to increase awareness of school clubs. While some of the characters in this animation may resemble real people, it is purely coincidencidental. This video was shown at the beginning of the school year on the student-ade TV show, “The Friday Show.”